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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Goji - Blue Berry Muffins


As is one of my breakfast/snack recipes which is only 203.2 calories

Goji- Blue Berry Muffins


1/2 cup Goji Berries (see note below)
1 cup wheat germ
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 cup blueberries
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup unbleached white flour
1/2 cup original almond milk (normally use unsweetened but did not have any)
1/4 cup coconut oil (instead of butter)- (see note below)
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp aluminum free baking powder (regular baking powder will do)

  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees
  2.  Mix the wet ingredients and the sugar together (except for the berries).
  3. Mix the dry ingredients together
  4. Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients in two batches and mix well
  5. Fold in the berries
  6. Place  in muffin tins (makes about 10 muffins)
  7. Bake for 15-20 minutes
Serving Size: 1 muffin
Servings: about 10
Calories per serving: 203.32

What are Goji- Berries?

 The goji berry is also called the wolfberry. It is a bright orange-red berry that comes from a shrub that's native to China. In Asia, goji berries have been eaten for generations in the hopes of living longer.
 Berries like the goji berry are filled with powerful antioxidants and other compounds that may help prevent cancer and other illnesses, including heart disease. Antioxidants may also boost the immune system and lower cholesterol.
 There may be some possible herb-drug interactions with goji berries. If you take blood thinners, you may want to avoid goji berries. Goji berries may also interact with diabetes and blood pressure drugs.

Benefits of Coconut oil

Te health benefits of coconut oil include hair care, skin care, stress relief, maintaining cholesterol levels, weight loss, increased immunity, proper digestion and metabolism, relief from kidney problems, heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, HIV and cancer, dental care, and bone strength. These benefits of coconut oil can be attributed to the presence of lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid, and its properties such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial, soothing.

he human body converts lauric acid into monolaurin which is claimed to help in dealing with viruses and bacteria causing diseases such as herpes, influenza, cytomegalovirus, and even HIV. It helps in fighting harmful bacteria such as listeria monocytogenes and heliobacter pylori, and harmful protozoa such as giardia lamblia.

Grade 1 Calf Strain = NO Workout for 2 Weeks!

YES YES!! You read it correctly.....I CANNOT work out for 2 weeks (extremeeeeeeeeely long sign and sad face!!)

This is how it all happened. I was on week 3 of the Jillian Micheal's Ripped in 30 workout and it came time to do the single leg squats with weights. Now, I know that I have problems with my ankles and that pressure would have caused some kind of injury but I thought that I just needed to push myself . I accomplished all the reps and I felt fine!!

Around 1:00pm that day I was feeling like crap.....I had heavy annoying pains in my calf and I could not flex my foot up without sharp pain. I went to the doctor and figured that I may have to take 2-3 days off from working out but when she told me 2 WEEKS my heart sank!!....What am I going to do for two weeks with no exercise (SIGH!)?

WELL, I figured it out. Since pushing myself to workout earlier will cause more harm than good I have decided that the solution to my problem is to be VERY strict on my daily eating and calorie intake (1400 per day max). My calorie intake is one for weight loss at my current weight. I will make a food journal for the two weeks that I am not working out and weight myself twice for the period to ensure that I do not gain any weight. Weight loss and healthy living is about 80% what you eat and 20% exercise and as Jillian herslef said ,"you can eat yourself out of any workout"

Monday, June 11, 2012

Weight Loss Update


I know I have not posted in a while but I am here and I am BACK with a weight loss update. I have lost (since starting my journey) a total of 82 pounds and I am 8 pounds away from my Goal Weight and 13 pounds away from my ultimate goal weight.

Here are some before and after pics:

I really hope this inspires you to join me on this health journey.

Keep in mind that there is no magic pill or potion that will make you loose weight and keep it off!. It is about lifestyle change! You have to be willing to work out at lease 35- 60 min 4-5 days out the week ( i normally do 5-6) and eat healthy. My next post will be tips on how to change your eating habits to more healthy ones and break your meals into 5 meals a day.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Seaweed Potatoes

Yes, you read it right................the title does say seaweed potatoes and yes I did eat them together!

I went into one of the organic stores in town and saw this seasoning, and I HAD to try it. Here is a picture of it (excuse the quality of the photo,  I took the photo with my camera died.... :( ..)

Organically grown, whole, tan sesame seed roasted and ground with Eden sea salt and three trace mineral rich sea vegetables - Canadian dulse and Japanese grown nori and kombu. A low sodium, almost universal condiment. A convenient cap allows both a shake or pour. The seed oil coats the salt, amplifying it so you experience more flavor eating less salt. A tasty way to take beneficial sesame and sea vegetables.
Ingredients:Organic Whole Sesame Seeds, Sea Salt, and the Sea Vegetables: Organic Dulse, Nori, Kombu 
Click here for a link to the website for purchase.  

I used this seasoning before on my grilled chicken but decided to try it again on my baked fries recipe. 

Here is how I made the baked fries:

  1. Wash and then cut up one medium baking potato however you like and add it to a bowl.
  2. Add olive oil, Italian seasoning, and the seaweed seasoning (I do not measure).
  3. Mix all of the ingredients together and put on a baking sheet/pan (i used parchment paper on top of a cookie sheet) 
  4. Bake for about 20-25 minutes at 350 degrees  it is

Try the recipe and let me know how it goes,

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

New Hair

I know I have been gone for tooooo long, but I have been really busy with my new job and part time teaching obligations. Here is a picture of a new style that I came up with. Hope you like it!

I will be back on the blog soon.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Just Add Water Product Review

Another naturalista in Freeport (Bahamas) recently launched a line of products under the brand "Just Add Water". Her product line consists of Hair Butter, Skin Butter, and Hair Oil. I will be reviewing the Hair Butter and the Hair Oil. 

My boyfriend will be doing a review of the skin butter. Since his line of work requires frequent hand washing that will result in dryness and also frequent use of his hands I asked him to review the product. Stay tuned for that :)

Now on with the review :

Hair Butter


I absolutely LOVE the consistency of this product! It has the texture of whipped Shea butter and it is moisturizing but not too greasy.
The current price of this product is $20

Hair Oil

The Hair Oil has the same ingredients as the Hair Butter except for the Shea Butter.
The current price of this product is $15

I used the hair butter to twist my hair for my Bantu knots and I used the hair oil to unravel them in the morning. Just so that you know, since I have started exercising heavily (5-6 times a week for 35min-1hr) Bantu knot outs have NOT been the business for me because they take too long to dry and by the time I am done working out they are soaked again. But nevertheless I still decided to try them again.

Here is a picture before taking them out:

Here is a picture of the bantu knots unraveled (hair is still WET...OMG):

So, it looks a mess because it was still WET (ugh!!!) but my hair was still moisturized. I know this may be so random but, I have no clue where this color on the ends of my hair is coming from :(

Here is a picture of how I styled it:

Overall, I LOVE the products. The hair butter reminds me of the whipped Shea Butter that I usually make at home and can be used for twisting  or braiding for twist outs or braid outs, flat twists, two strand twists or sealing your ends and much more!I would definitely recommend these products for use. I also love the containers that the products come in.

The only negative (VERY SMALL NEGATIVE) would be the scent. Personally I do not like the scent of Tea Tree or Eucalyptus oil but I know that the scents are strong but these two oils are VERY GOOD for your hair!

For more information on the products click here

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Another Smoothie Recipe

Heyyy  Loves,

I have another smoothie recipe for you! 

Here are the ingredients:

 Ingredients are:
1 cup Almond Milk
1 Banana
1 mango
Juice of 1 orange
1 T wheat germ

Here is everything in the blender:

Here is the finished Green Smoothie

I am thinking about purchasing chocolate whey protein to make healthy "chocolate" smoothies. 

Happy Blending,

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Weight Loss Update

Heyyyy Beauty lovers,

I know that I have not shared any update pictures in a while so here it goes:

This is the most recent picture of myself (the image is a blurry)

This is a picture of me at my highest weight compared to now

This is a picture of  me 20lbs down in my journey to now

Weight Loss Tips

For a while, I was obsessing over the scale but realistically speaking weight fluctuates daily depending upon water retention and hormonal changes in women. To be honest, I have not been on the scale in about 3 weeks and do not intend to until I have finished the Shaun T's Rockin' Body Workout.

As a way to measure your progress, you can take your measurements (bust, waist, hips) and compare them every 3 weeks or so. You can also find a pair of jeans or a dress that you currently have and measure your progress by the way you fit into the clothing during your weight loss journey. Also, you can buy a pair of "goal jeans" or a "goal dress" and once you have fit into that article of clothing you have reached your goal.

This is where the problems come! Many people just want a quick fix or to use diet pills to loose weight but to be honest, you did not gain ALL the weight overnight therefore you should not expect to loose it overnight. Try to make  healthier choices, in regards to eating habits such as eating more fruits and vegetables, limiting portions, and using more whole wheat and whole grain.

The first thing you would need to do is figure out how much calories your body needs daily. When you have calculated this figure subtract 500 calories (I subtract 700-1000 calories) from this and this would be the amount of calories that you need to eat per day coupled with 4-6 workout days per week , in order to loose weight. You also need to eat 5 times a day.....YES 5 TIMES PER DAY! The meals are Breakfast, Mid-Morning Snack, Lunch, Afternoon Snack, and Dinner.Remember to keep control of your portions and watch your calories. 

Honestly, after a while you will be able to eat without actually "counting your calories" and still keep your calorie intake under control. You also need to get" in tune" with your body and be able to know what it wants (sounds creepy.....I know! but some days you will go under your calorie intake and some days you may go a bit over because your body needs more fuel.


The key thing is that if you think of this as just a diet when your are done and go back to eating the way you were eating you will gain ALL the weight back and maybe even more!


Countless times I have heard people say they will start working out and eating right next week. Unfortunately that next week becomes another next week and then next month. Never put off what you can do today for tomorrow!! 

Make a commitment to yourself! If you want to loose weight change your eating habits and workout lifestyle right now!!

Remember this is the only body that you have so keep it is too short to be sick!


Please ladies, be confident in the skin that you are in and NEVER go into a weight loss journey thinking that it will make you feel better because it WILL NOT!!!

Loosing weight makes you look better and quite honesty it does make feel a bit better about yourself but if you did not love yourself before your insecurities will still be there and your body will NEVER be good enough in your eyes. 

So before you embark on your weight loss journey learn how to love yourself and be confident in yourself because you are special and beautiful!!

I hope that this post helps everyone who is thinking about having a more healthy lifestyle or loosing weight. I will do another post about stuff that I generally eat and workout programs that I did.

Happy Sunday,

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sweet Potato Hash

Heyyy Readers,

My Meatless Month is going great so far (11 days in) and to be honest I really don't miss meat that much. I have been coming up with some great alternatives and recipes, one of them I will share with you today.

This recipe was inspired by Chef Ahki on Facebook. Click here for a look at her own, mine is a bit different.

Here is a picture of my sweet potato hash

The recipe is as follows (I do not really measure ingredients)

  • 4 Sweet Potato (Cubed----I did not have enough so I had to use Russet as well)
  • coconut oil
  • onion
  • sweet pepper
  • Italian seasoning
  • salt
  • black pepper
  • tablespoon garlic
I boiled the potatoes until they were tender.

Then i sauted the onion and sweet pepper the onions were translucent.

Add the potatoes and the remaining  ingredients to the skillet and let it cook for about 10min

Hope you enjoy the recipe and if you try it let me know how it comes out.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Shopping for my Meatless Month

Heyy Loves,

Here is just an idea of things that I bought at the grocery store in preparation for my Meatless Month. All of the items are not shown in the picture because I had already packed away some items.

1. Meat Alternatives 

 I think that this is necessary for people who are used to meat. I got the meatless crumbles, garden burger, 1/4 pound "burger", and buffalo "wings". Since these products have tofu (soy) in them, I won't eat them everyday

2. Frozen and Fresh Fruit

I bought these items to put in my daily smoothies and oatmeal/cereal. Some recipes are already on my blog and there will be more to come.

3. Beans

These are necessary in a diet that lacks meat as they are rich in protein, especially black beans. I have some great ideas for black bean chili, black bean burgers, seasoned black-eye peas and much more.

3. Kale and Other Vegetables

Vegetables are always good  but I got the kale for my green smoothies. I will also have some recipes for my green smoothies coming soon.

4. Dessert

How could I forget???? Milk free ice cream!!!! I saw this in the grocery store and had to try it and it is delicious. Check out the website here

I will have recipe ideas coming soon!