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Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Hey lovely readers,
I know I have been seriously M.I.A but I recently got a new job (yay me!!!) so I have been a little busy. I absolutely LOVE my job and my boss is the absolute best!

This post is going to be about (as you would imagine) hair styling. I will post up 3 sets of pictures of how I have been wearing my hair recently. 

I am seriously contemplating starting locs in January/ February (let me know what you think by leaving a comment below)

Here are the styles: 
Two Strand Twist Pin-Up Style 1

Two - Strand Twist Pin - Up Style 2

Side puff with a Pompadour 

I have a lot more interesting topics to share with you and  I am really excited because I am in the process of preparing to start a little garden!!!! (It may not seem like a big deal, but the little things in life make me the happiest! lol) I will definitely keep you all posted on the progress of my garden. 

Hope you enjoyed the styles and pictures :)

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