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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Irish Moss (Sea Moss) Goodness

After seeing a lot of raw food dieters use Irish Moss I was eager to find out "what the hype was all about". After doing a big of research, I found that Irish Moss has numerous health benefits and I HAD to try it.

Before I get into the details of how to prepare Irish Moss for consumption,I will share with you two brief paragraphs on the health benefits of Irish Moss.

Health Benefits
The healing benefits of Irish Moss appear abundant. As a soothing aid to all mucous membranes, Irish Moss is said to ease ailments such as gastritis, nausea, indigestion, constipation, as well as ulcers. Irish Moss also has antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiviral and anticoagulant activities. Used topically, it may help soothe skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis and burns. However it is mostly known for its ability to abate the symptoms of colds and flu, dissolve catharrs and chesty coughs, as well as soothe bronchitis and pneumonia thanks to its anti-coughing properties.
To add to this long list of benefits, Irish Moss has a strongly alkaline nature which may relieve the symptoms associated with excessive alcohol consumption, by replacing much of the ion content that is leached from the body as a consequence of dehydration. Studies are even being conducted on the potential healing effect of this seaweed on conditions such as STD’s, mucus inflammation, various viruses and infections, as well as AIDS !

Here is a picture of the Irish Moss that I used:

I know that your next question is probably, "what do i do with this?" Click here for a link that will show you how to prepare the Irish Moss and also here for how to make the paste.

Here is a picture of the Irish Moss Paste that I made. I store this in the fridge.

Please look out for the new smoothie recipe that includes the Irish Moss Paste. 

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog,

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